Working through Fear

I’m honored to have guest-posted at Mimi’s House about Working through Fear. Here’s a snippet: I’m just going to come right out and admit it: I’m a scaredy cat. My husband jokes that I won’t take any risk unless the worst possible outcome is a two or less on a scale of one to ten….

Finding Energy

Last week I mentioned that I view my energy as a rechargeable battery. (Read that post here.) If you’re often low on energy, I also recommend reading this five-part series about 15 Ways to Have More Energy by Crystal Paine of Money Saving Mom. From drinking water and making sleep a priority, to wrapping our…


I’ve recently learned to view my energy as a rechargeable battery. Some things drain my battery, and other things recharge it. Getting enough sleep recharges my energy battery. Reading and writing recharge. Going to large gatherings where I don’t know very many people drains it. (Can you tell that I’m a bit of an introvert?)…